
Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Full Wing Chemtrail Sprayer over San Francisco, 12 14 14

Full Wing Chemtrail Sprayer over San Francisco, 12 14 14 - Close up of Chinese full wing sprayer dumping chemtrails over San Francisco, December 14th, 2014. You can clearly see eight trails being left by the Boeing 777 on its way to Beijing - pretty impressive for a two engine airliner. You can also see a clear start point to the trail to the south of my location, roughly at the same point as an earlier flight which left a fat parallel line alongside the Chinese trail.

For a wider view, here's the NASA satellite image for today showing 1,000+ mile trails stretching halfway across the Pacific. When you zoom in, you can see plenty of fresh trails.

Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014

Chemtrail Girls (combo) 20 min.

Watch out for the Chemtrail Girls. They're out to wake you up, or rather 'create awareness.' They've hosted a Chemtrail Girls booth (selling & giving away chemtrail DVDs, books and other items) at a popular farmers market in Orillia, Ontario, and put up a chemtrail billboard along a key north-south highway in Ontario. Suzanne, co-founder of Chemtrail Girls, offers a quick introduction to the real world that an examination of chemtrails provokes. Suzanne reviews the work of Elana Freeland and her important book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and Full Spectrum Dominance.

With chemtrail posters on the Toronto subway system, a full-page ad in Toronto's NOW magazine, highway billboards, farmers' market stalls and their internet presence, the Chemtrail Girls are determined to create awareness, including offering some antidotes to the multiple poisons inflicted on the public. Suzanne concludes her remarks, "What I would like to see is a top down removal of government systems because clearly they are all culpable; they're all complicit, they're all involved. And not just the government, there's the military, the universities. This is all very interrelated -- so I would like to see the spraying stopped and the people responsible punished." (part 2 of 2) Original music by Toronto's Obzerv.

Montag, 8. Dezember 2014

Brainwashing America: Satanic Illuminati Mind Control (2014)-PART 1

S. (This video reverses the brainwashing damage done by the satanic CIA in an operation called MK Ultra which stands for Mind Kontrol Ultra) Being adopted by the U.S. military under operation paper clip during WW2 when Nazi scientist were recruited, and brought over the the U.S. Half these Nazi scientist made up half of the CIA during that time which means that Nazi ideology has infiltrated our military/government. They used demonic spirits to get knowledge for better technology, but not without cost. Every American should watch this very shocking informative video about what the government is doing being closed doors, and the psych ops & mind manipulation they're carrying out on us. We are in a war for the hearts and minds of mankind. MUST WATCH!! LINK TO PART 2

Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014

Geoengineering: Europe - Italy Flood 11-17-14

Please support this continuing independent work.

Needless to say, covering the horrendous flooding during the month of November in Europe has widened my perspective. As I said in the video, for some reason I was under the impression that the geoengineering grid in Europe couldn’t possibly be as developed as the Canada / U.S. / Mexico grid. I don’t know what made me think that. After watching a month of manufactured weather across Europe that easily equals if not surpasses a month in the United States, I see that impression was clearly incorrect.

I spent the morning writing a lengthy post comment for this video, then decided I wasn’t ready to post most of it. Not for any particular reason other than I want to study the area and develop my thoughts on it more first. 

I will however include the conclusion of that writing. What this month of deliberately manufactured storms and flooding clearly illustrates, is that the people of Europe are going through the same manufactured hell as the people of the United States… or anywhere else for that matter. Thus once again it begs the question “Are all world governments in cahoots against all world peoples, or are they as clueless and victimized as the rest of the population?”

There’s only two ways it can be, right? Either all of the governments and all of the leaders are “in the know” and conspiring to keep a geoengineered climate from the population of the planet (the quite evidently “sponsored” perspective we are all supposed to accept), or 99% of them don’t know any more about this than anyone else, and are just going about their jobs as civil servants. For instance, what are the odds that the people involved in approving zoning in any given state for yet another power plant running on 1800s steam engine technology, burning woefully inefficient 1800s fuel sources, are actually aware that they are most likely approving a cloud factory as well? I’d say the odds – are probably zero.

Seems to me, the much more likely scenario is that the people who reap countless billions keeping this global society enslaved to burning petroleum and coal, who prevented the electric car, who prevented the conversion of gas powered cars to water powered cars, etc., etc., etc., and who design and build these coal and oil driven clouds factories – aren’t telling anybody, anything… and haven’t for a hundred years.

So… in regards to two of the most popular questions I get: “Who is responsible for this?” and “what can we do?” I’ll tell you at least where you can start. Start by learning and understanding the reality so that you can have an intelligent and convincing conversation about it with anyone – at any level. Then take this work and start finding out who in your neighborhood, local media, local government, national government, etc., – actually has any clue at all what is going on on this planet. 

Don’t buy into the sponsored destabilization fear porn (designed specifically to stop you from ever trying to contact anyone in government or police authority about anything), that all government is “the enemy” and “in on it.” It just isn’t plausible, on an individual level. Besides, you have an easy defense. This is my work. If any ‘official’ or anyone else for that matter, questions you gives you any kind of grief, feel free to tell them to direct their questions or grief – to the source.

The primary objective then… is finding some influential people, groups, government officials – who actually want to understand the state of our planet, and why it is the way it is. There has to a pony in here somewhere.

Incidentally, the very best and easiest way to understand the fundamentals of 100 years of global geoengineering, is to buy my ($5) eBook “NO NATURAL WEATHER: Introduction Geoengineering 101.” Again, that’s not ego or ‘book sales’ talking… that’s demonstrable fact, and the reason I wrote it in the first place. Everyone on Earth, should understand that 40 pages.

No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101


Please support this continuing independent work.


No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation

Introduction to Geoengineering 101 

The Big Picture 2.0


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