
Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014

Chemtrail Girls (combo) 20 min.

Watch out for the Chemtrail Girls. They're out to wake you up, or rather 'create awareness.' They've hosted a Chemtrail Girls booth (selling & giving away chemtrail DVDs, books and other items) at a popular farmers market in Orillia, Ontario, and put up a chemtrail billboard along a key north-south highway in Ontario. Suzanne, co-founder of Chemtrail Girls, offers a quick introduction to the real world that an examination of chemtrails provokes. Suzanne reviews the work of Elana Freeland and her important book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and Full Spectrum Dominance.

With chemtrail posters on the Toronto subway system, a full-page ad in Toronto's NOW magazine, highway billboards, farmers' market stalls and their internet presence, the Chemtrail Girls are determined to create awareness, including offering some antidotes to the multiple poisons inflicted on the public. Suzanne concludes her remarks, "What I would like to see is a top down removal of government systems because clearly they are all culpable; they're all complicit, they're all involved. And not just the government, there's the military, the universities. This is all very interrelated -- so I would like to see the spraying stopped and the people responsible punished." (part 2 of 2) Original music by Toronto's Obzerv.