People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.
Interviews with:
Dane Wigington - Solar Expert/Climate Researcher
Francis Mangels - USDA Bioliogist
Barb Petersen - Farmer/Rancher/Researcher/Radio Host/
Rosalind Petersen - Retired USDA Farm Service / President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition - http://www.agriculturedefensecoalitio...
Mark McCandlish - Defense & Aerospace Industry
Scott Stevens - Former TV Weatherman 20+yrs
* subtitles [CC] available
Dr. Nick Begich - H.A.A.R.P. Expert & Author of "Angels Don't Play This H.A.A.R.P." -
Dr. James Fleming - Professor of Science Technology & Society College
Michael Agne - Commodities trader
Larry Oxley - Investor
Sherrie Klappert- Organic Farmer (Hawaii)
Joel Gilcoca Organic Farmer
Karoline Muniz - GMO Free Lecturer Holistic Health Care Provider
Foster Gamble - "thrive"
Daisy Agne
Horace Ross
End Song by Skull "Cry Die"
WHAT in the World Are They Spraying? (part.1)
*Feel free to download and re-upload this documentary to your channel as there is NO COPYRIGHT and is actually encouraged by the producers to copy the DVD versions and redistribute because raising awareness most important.
(I use - just copy/paste URL)
Teuflische Idee: Wettermanipulatoren als Retter Von besonderem Größenwahn und krimineller Kaltschnäuzigkeit zeugt dann noch ein bestimmter Absatz in der Abhandlung der US-Air Force 'Weather...2025'. Unter der Überschrift 'Weather Modification' wird der Air Force empfohlen, in der nahen Zukunft das Wetter insgeheim so zu manipulieren, dass weltweit Klimakatastrophen wie Dürre oder Überschwemmungen begünstigt würden. Dann sollte in systematischer Weise zunehmend bekannt gemacht