Teuflische Idee: Wettermanipulatoren als Retter Von besonderem Größenwahn und krimineller Kaltschnäuzigkeit zeugt dann noch ein bestimmter Absatz in der Abhandlung der US-Air Force 'Weather...2025'. Unter der Überschrift 'Weather Modification' wird der Air Force empfohlen, in der nahen Zukunft das Wetter insgeheim so zu manipulieren, dass weltweit Klimakatastrophen wie Dürre oder Überschwemmungen begünstigt würden. Dann sollte in systematischer Weise zunehmend bekannt gemacht
Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013
US Policy in Iraq: A Human Catastrophe, talk by Dr. Dahlia Wasfi 2 of 6
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi was born in the United States to an American Jewish mother and an Iraqi Muslim father. She lived in Iraq as a child, returning to the U.S. at age 5. She earned her medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997. Dr. Wasfi has made two trips to Iraq to visit her extended family since the 2003 "Shock and Awe" invasion, including a three month stay in Basrah in the spring of 2006. She has brought her ...eyewitness account of life under occupation to 22 United States; Capitol Hill in D.C.; Toronto and Vancouver, Canada; Madrid, Spain in 2007; and the 3rd International Iraq Conference in Berlin, Germany, in March 2008. Her talk in Austin will cover the devastating effects of the 1991 Gulf War, the economic sanctions, and the 2003 invasion and occupation. For more on Dr. Wasfi, including her writings, visit: http://www.liberatethis.com/upcomingt... by Texas Labor Against the War and CodePink AustinThis is a Zgraphix production. Produced by Jeff Zavala. http://zgraphix.org