Droughts, famine, chemtrails and the global game of risk: geoengineering
is real, and inevitable part of the future, when science tries to
orchestrate nature in the name of taming climate change, while experts
argue over who will make the rules in the global governance of weather
modification and geoengineering. Could a rogue billionaire tinker with
the delicate balance of our Earth? Might a mad scientist even
"weaponize" weather control to wield power over the planet? Everything
is possible, warns a NASA Jet Propulsion Labs expert. Chemtrails and
geoengineering are no longer the things of conspiratorial speculation or
retro science fiction -- they are the scenarios shaping the world to
come as science contemplates how far is too far for man to go in the
name of a global environmental crisis?
Watch the entire NASA JPL presentation here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/29293171
Chemtrails? Watch This! Then Try to Deny It
NASA Admits To Chemtrails As They Propose Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earths Atmosphere
Scientists: "Exclusive Club" To Assume Command Of Global Geoengineering
CIA co-sponsoring geoengineering study to look at reversing global warming options
Scientists: "Exclusive Club" To Assume Command Of Global Geoengineering
Geoengineering Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop - At the
Council on Foreign Relations Washington DC, May 05, 2008
World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules
Government Response to the House of Commons
Science and Technology Committee 5
Report of Session 2009-10:
The Regulation of Geoengineering
Strategic incentives for climate
geoengineering coalitions to exclude
broad participation
Scientists: "Exclusive Club" To Assume Command Of Global Geoengineering
Teuflische Idee: Wettermanipulatoren als Retter Von besonderem Größenwahn und krimineller Kaltschnäuzigkeit zeugt dann noch ein bestimmter Absatz in der Abhandlung der US-Air Force 'Weather...2025'. Unter der Überschrift 'Weather Modification' wird der Air Force empfohlen, in der nahen Zukunft das Wetter insgeheim so zu manipulieren, dass weltweit Klimakatastrophen wie Dürre oder Überschwemmungen begünstigt würden. Dann sollte in systematischer Weise zunehmend bekannt gemacht