
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

Polar Shift & Military Preparation. Howard Stein puts PROOF FORWARD.

Howard Stein speaks on Polar Shift and Military Preparation
Show : The Truth Denied Talk Radio
Guest : Howard Stein
Host: Roxy Lopez

GUEST SPEAKS on the possibility of a Coming Polar Shift, FEMA, Changes in Military Training for Martial Law and "public round-ups".

Howard Stein says "I have always been a skeptic regarding end of the world scenarios such as Polar Shifts....until.."

"One day the evidence became insurmountable, and connecting the dots painted a much larger picture than I ever imagined."

Howard Stein asks that you do your own home work.

He asks that you start Here: (Monitoring Data) (Magnetic Pole Shift)

Look up evidence presented regarding 'magnetic Pole Shift'

Look into the 5 several story buildings at the Denver Airport and ask yourselves "How and why did they do this?"Then ask your selves "WHO did it?"Compare the construction of LAX, OHARE, and DENVER Airports....are astounded and amazed by what you find in the differences.

Please contact The Truth Denied any time with your photo evidence.
Look around you, because these FEMA Camps are everywhere.

Howard Stein
Born Chicago Ill , moved to "City of the Angels" Los Angeles in 1971.He enlisted in the Army in 1973, and by 1980 he took a job in Law Enforcement in Southern California for three years. He found his true calling when he became a bodyguard and served in this capacity for the next 18 years!

Howard has done a tremendous amount of research and will share with the listeners what he believes is coming and what is already here! Discussion will be open to the callers as well!

Howard is currently an " on air personality" listen to him nightly at
Howard is the VP of " Totally Commercial FREE and only the hits on 7890"
You can monitor movement around the world here in real time.

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Howard Stein
They are gearing up for an event............but once again, do your own Homework.........I just give a place to start.........never be told what is going on, find out always for yourself.

FEMA Camps and REX 84 ( Orders and Locations by State)
A complete list of the orders for Rex 84 and Fema Camps. This Natural Solutions Report gives the orders for Civilian Concentration Camps and the locations by stste for the enslavement of the citize... by Xkaliber in FEMA, endgame, and ConcentrationCamp

FEMA Camp Footage (Concentrations Camps in USA)
Footage of a FEMA camp in the US. This is available on Google video too, but because a few people simply still don't "get it" when they watch the footage fro...
Practice is happening..........These are RA Troops in the USA !

Military Preparing for Martial Law
Long before 9/11 the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down cities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps. Watch for yourself.

Last but not least, know that the world is ever changing. Humanity is waking up.
The TRUTH is the truth, best to know what is coming down the road. Humanity must UNIFY. : Breaking News Stories : Contact