
Samstag, 13. April 2013

4 April 2013 Breaking News Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Iran Nuclear bomb R...

4 April 2013 Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu Address to United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam End Times News Update 4-4-13 Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu Iran Nuclear bomb stage 2 REDLINE by Spring 2013 then weeks to have Nuclear Bomb - North Korea just tested a nuclear warhead with Iranian nuclear officials present, and the two countries may be working hand in glove to get Iran ready to build and deploy The Bomb. Israel believes Iran is getting dangerously close now to the very nuclear "red line" that Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of at the U.N. last fall. Netanyahu will soon have a new government enabling him to take action if necessary.
Netanyahu is likely to appoint Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon as Defense Minister -- Ya'alon is a former IDF chief of staff, has been intimately involved in getting Israel ready for a possible war; Ya'alon has been hesitant about force, preferring covert means, but my sense is he is becoming resolved that force may be inevitable.
A top former Israeli military official said publicly this week that a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would a "one night operation."

concerning Iran. US Officials who have long been hesitant about the use of military force against Iran are now reluctantly suggesting it may not be possible to avoid war after all.

Vice President Biden, Secretary Kerry, and the Commander of CENTCOM -- as well as Henry Kissinger, Dennis Ross and Elliot Abrams, and this is what you will hear:

The nuclear crisis with Iran is coming to a head.
Diplomacy and sanctions have not succeeded and may have run their course.
The Iranians are not making concessions.
Instead, Tehran is accelerating its nuclear efforts and is dangerously close to building nuclear warheads.

President Obama still does not want the U.S. to take the lead on a military operation -- naming Chuck Hagel as SecDef underscored this point.

President Obama is heading to the Middle East soon, and is signalling that Iran and Syria are his top two issues to discuss with Israeli and Arab leaders.
The question is whether Mr. Obama still intends to pressure Israel not to strike Iran, or will give Israel the "green light."
Consider these stories in recent days:

Centcom Commander: Sanctions and diplomacy are not working and we have to "have other options" ready (Times of Israel)
U.S. commander says Iran sanctions not working (CNN)
Centcom Commander tells Congress: 'If Iran reaches critical point in nuke drive, Israel will attack' (Times of Israel)
John Kerry Concedes Iran Is Moving Closer to Possessing Nuclear Weapon (ABC News)
Kerry: Obama would prefer to 'avoid considering' Iran strike (Times of Israel)
Netanyahu: Iran closer to nuclear 'red line' (French TV 24)
Netanyahu: Diplomacy has not worked. Words alone will not stop Iran (speech to AIPAC)
Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close (BBC)
Clock Runs as Obama Faces Pressure for Strike on Iran (Bloomberg)
Top General: At Least One Arab State to Go Nuclear If Iran Does (Washington Free Beacon)
Former US and Israeli officials discuss divisions over Iran

Europe: How dare Jews build in Jerusalem
The European Union has released a report that labels the very presence of Jews on the eastern side of Jerusalem as "provocative." According to the Europeans, the building of Jewish homes in these areas is the single greatest threat to peace in the region.

Titled "Jerusalem Report 2012," the survey asserts that the construction of homes for Jews on the eastern side of Jerusalem is a "systematic, deliberate and provocative" effort to make it "impossible for Jerusalem to become the capital of two states."

It should be noted that the report is not referring to small, isolated settlements, but rather to large Jewish neighborhoods like French Hill, Pisgat Zeev and Gilo (for those familiar with the city).

For Israelis, the whole thing is just absurd. That the return of an ancient people to the areas that made up their ancient heartland should pose a threat to peace simply doesn't make sense. Not to mention the fact that Jews have continuously lived in these areas, and especially in Jerusalem, non-stop for some 3,000 years. What the world doesn't like is that the Jews now exercise control in this Land.

As Alan Baker, an Israeli expert in international law, told Israel Today, the Jews are an indigenous people in this land. If the international community cannot accept this fact, then there is no basis for even starting peace talks.