
Freitag, 23. September 2011

Invisible "Cloaked " Chem trail Dispenser Aircraft ~ Alien Technology Explained

Anybody who wants to investigate stealth or alien technology that has to do with meta materials and invisible "cloaked" optically armored aircraft you will come across countless articles that will imply that alien/stealth/camouflage/cloaking of aircraft is in its beginning stages,usually because some other self important robot who was curious to write about alien/stealth/cloaked armor technology went google searching & found article upon article of dis info from other stooped writers who went searching the web like himself but were deliberately dis informed .
what i am trying to convey to you friends is that the governement pays top dollar to high officials in shiny new suits who specialize in the technology they need him to lie about ,these paid officials will give fraudulent reports full of lies to the public,a staged performance,a fraud,a hoax ,a lecture of sugar coated deception,"invisibility/cloaking/stealth is in its first steps,yeah right,crapp !! The governement prefers to take us by surprise,we are much easier to manipulate & control when uniformed.
its disturbing to me how mortal minds who are partly open to forbidden truth,but so fiercely closed minded at the same time hhmmm , id like to call them "plane huggers " if i don't mind myself,i find this to sound hilarious ! now that i have found an objective, descriptive description for you we can now move forward~ for those who believe in chem trails but cant fathom invisible "cloaked " chem trail dispensers could exist in our skies then you need to get it through your thick sculls that Hawaii as well as the globe has had their skies weaponized by our covert government,our air,water,earth,wildlife & lifestyle has been brutally attacked & altered by aerosolic poisons that are dispersed daily into the atmosphere with "invisible" cloaked military aircraft/ufo's as well as blatant visible chem trail dispersing tankers~alien/stealth technology has been around for over 10 years,but the media purposely keeps the public uninformed & uneducated ..

In fact i have had the honor to meet a few chemtrail activist in Hawaii,they have one thing in common,they all think they know how the military is spraying our skies,the information these guys promote is only half true,they keep emphasizing,jets and colored chem trails,this sounds to melike dinosaur research ,these arrogant minds,think they know it all,they do not realize that invisible aircraft,orbs & holographics are mainly used to drench the islands atmosphere in biological warfare ..
Its time to remove all false ego,let go of the programming of deception that you cling to as factual evidence for your whole life time,NO" its been masterminded,staged & doctored from the beginning from the highest levels in governement,science & military~
I know you would like to cling to the idea that you witnessed different colored chemicals coming out of the back of a jet so that your crazed logical mind can grasp onto some sense of it all,after all reality is stranger then fiction,once you wake up to what you never knew,and what the mass media has been hiding from you,you will never breath,live or see things the same,i promise,it really comes down to you,are you ready to wake up ?
I can assure you that we rarely see in Hawaii those blatant "chem trail tankers" leaving big chem trails like on the mainland,but you do see them here & there,but not at the level acquired to smother the Hawaiian sky's into the man made hell that it is 1/2 of the time,entirely chemicalized elements~ all these different types of chem clouds appear in our sky everyday,some at 2,500 feet,& some at 50,00 feet~ the duped people need to realize that the governement is 100 years advanced then the media lets the public know,the last thing the government wants is an awake,aware public~

~alien technology is flying cloaked (invisible) ufo's aircraft designed to disperse time released chemicals into the sky's on a global scale, creating entirely chemically fabricated skylines while the programmed droids pay no attention and see nothing ~check this out,make yourself understand invisible military aircraft exists,here is a good article

VIDEO Holographic Chemtrail "Planes" missing a few parts~


Check out this SLING SHOT highly advanced military aircraft,it talks about cloaking,invisible aircraft" note now the military has access to anti reflective coating,which would render 100% invisibility,there would be no blue edges on the tips of the cloaked aircraft,nothing for detection,where the hull had fallen away, you will know what i mean when you read it,great article !! this technology is happening now,not as the article implies